Over 60 Years in a Nutshell

Our Staff
Ruth M. Lowe
Suzanne C. Steinbach
Director // Artistic Director: Voorhees Ballet Theatre; Ballet, Tap, Jazz
Nicole Carusone
Modern, Jazz
Lisle A. Duffey
Ballet, Jazz, Tap
Ricky Evans
Hip Hop
Meggin A. Olivo
1/2 & 1/2, Jazz, Tap
Jacqueline C. Quillen
Ballet, Acrobatics, Modern, Tap, Jazz
Savannah Riggs
Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Modern
Stacy A. Smith
1/2 & 1/2, Acrobatics, Ballet, Tap, Jazz
Alexandria C. Steinbach
1/2 & 1/2, Jazz, Tap
Leisl E. Steinbach
Ballet, Pre-Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acrobatics, Modern
Leigh A. Strain
Katie Toff
Dress Code Policy

Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap, 1/2 & 1/2 – Black leotard and pink tights
Acro – Black leotard, pink tights or tan tights, black dance shorts
Hip Hop – Comfortable clothing
Ballet – Black tights, dance belt, and white, grey, or black t-shirt
Tap, Jazz, Acro, Modern – Black dance pants or shorts, and white, grey, or black t-shirt
Hip Hop – Comfortable clothing
Ballet – Pink ballet shoes (black or white for boys)
Pointe – invitation ONLY
Tap – Tan tap shoes (black for boys)
Jazz – Tan jazz shoes (black for boys)
Acro & Modern – Bare feet
Hip Hop – Black converse sneakers (to be used solely for Hip Hop)
Dance shoes are NEVER worn outside.
Spring Recital Requirements

Each year, Lowe Dance Studio is very proud to showcase their students in our Spring Recital. Beginning in January students start to learn routines that highlight their improved technique. To participate in the recital, students must:
Purchase costume and accessories
Purchase 5 tickets and Livestream/DVD Link
Maintain excellent in-person attendance
Attend scheduled Dress/Tech Rehearsals held at the theater
It is NOT required that any student participate in the recital for any of their classes.